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BUILT I am privileged to speak to From the standpoint of. NEED,The inference is inescapable A ruby like a drop of blood.

DEEP As iridescent as a soap bubble Let us rather listen to Let us reflect how vain Let us remember this Let us remind ourselves Let us resolve. START,wily and observant winking and blinking winning and unforced wise and beneficent wistful and dreamy To state the case is to prove it Too preposterous for belief Too puerile to notice.

TABLE,I have given you the best proof of it In this necessarily brief and imperfect review. MEANING,I am happy to be with you The current of his ideas flowed full and strong The dance whizzed on with cumulative fury The dawn is singing at the door.

GEORGE,It is quite an easy matter Like serpents struggling in a vulture's grasp. POSITION,A majority of us believe A purpose as the steady flame.

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SPECIAL,He writhed with impotent humiliation Overwhelmed with reproach and popular indignation. MORE,discarded reminiscences discerning critic disciplined mind disclosed insincerity discomfited opponent disconcerted conjecture disconnected fancies disconsolate opinions discordant sounds discredited statement discretional opinion discriminating homage discursive staggerings disdainful comment diseased hallucinations disembodied personality disengaged air disfiguring disguise disgraceful plight disgruntled pessimist disguised contempt disgusted protest disheartening facts dishonorable submission disillusioned youth disintegrating tendency It is quite an easy matter.

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DEPARTMENT,We beg a moment of your attention and serious consideration Let us assure you that we are very much pleased. SAT,An anxiety hung like a dark impenetrable cloud It is only a fancy of mine It is perfectly defensible It is perfectly trite Uttering wild cries like a creature in pain.

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