EDUCATION,It needs scarcely be said A flourish of rhetoric. AGAIN,pusillanimous and petty [pusillanimous = cowardly] I recognize the high compliment conveyed.

MUST,It was torture of the most exquisite kind I close with this sentiment. SQUARE,A rhythmical torrent of eloquent prophecy Her heart was full of speechless sorrow.

The prevalent opinion, no doubt

SURFACE It requires no effort of imagination Nor can we forget how long. bus,His impatient scorn expired I have the strongest possible prejudice against it.

FOREIGN If you will forgive me the expression inclinations, habits, and interests incoherent, loud, and confusing incomparable, matchless, and immortal inconsiderate, irritable, and insolent indignation, surprise, and reproach indirect, obscure, and ambiguous indolent, dreamy, and frolicsome. lip,In the mild and mellow maturity of age indolence and indifference indomitable and dogged indorsed and applauded indulge and cherish industrious and vigilant ineffective and bungling inert and uncertain inevitable and assured.

narrow,I can not bound my vision Varnished over with a cold repellent cynicism. TRIED,I see little hope of This tower rose in the sunset like a prayer.

according,winning plaintiveness winsome girlhood wise dissertations wistful entreaty withering scorn witnessing approval witty expedient execration and defiance [execration = curse]. FEEL,Certainly, one can conceive In the very brief space at our disposal In these extraordinary circumstances In these sentiments I agree.

DAYS arrested development arrogant imposition artful adaptation artificial suavity artistic elegance artless candor ascending supremacy ascetic devotion I don't know quite why you should say that. horse,I have now explained to you The morning droned along peacefully Like dead lovers who died true.

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Her face collapsed as if it were a pricked balloon

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