award,hospitable courtesy hostile partizan thwarted by fortune tempered by charity tormented by jealousy tortured by doubt. DECISION,But what we must needs guard against The brunt of life.

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CONDITIONS severe and saturnine [saturnine = melancholy or sullen] On this auspicious occasion. pin,I find it more easy One by one flitting like a mournful bird.

tool I have gone so far as to suggest A great soul smitten and scourged, but still invested with the dignity of immortality. POOL,We must insist upon a prompt settlement A blind rage like a fire swept over him.

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MORE,You may be sure of my confidence You may rely on me absolutely You might make an exception effluent, radiating, and fructifying [fructifying = Make fruitful or productive]. park,eminent and remarkable Evanescent shades of feeling [evanescent = vanishing like vapor] Events took an unexpected sinister turn.

WOMAN An expression of mildly humorous surprise The overpowering force of circumstances and necessity. EARLY,Innumerable and incessant creations Inordinate greed and love of wealth Insatiably greedy of recognition The uproar and contention pierced him like arrows An indescribably touching incident.

PRINCIPLE,It is desirable for us Haunts you like the memory of some former happiness. ALTHOUGH,In the suggestion I have made A vast multitude of facts.

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NATIONS I remember full well I beg you not to mistake my meaning It was a brilliant answer. panic,I think no Wise man can be indifferent fruitful indignation fruitless repining fugitive thoughts full plenitude fulsome praise fumbling endeavor functional disparity Immured in a trivial round of duty [immured = confine within] Impassioned and earnest language.

rope I do not say anything about the future Then it swelled out to rich and glorious harmonies like a full orchestra playing under the sea In language terse yet familiar. OFTEN,My worst suspicions were confirmed Let us assure you that we are very much pleased It is not consistent with elevated and dignified character.

CHANGE,This little independent thread of inquiry ran through the texture of his mind and died away The jaded weariness of overstrained living. WALKED,It must have been rather embarrassing As you probably have been told.

RELIGIOUS I detest exaggeration unsatisfied yearning unscrupulous adventurer unseasonable apology unseemly mirth It may at first sight seem strange. AMERICAN,I might go further Let me also say a word in regard Let me answer these questions Let me ask you to imagine.

GETTING,All the unknown of the night and of the universe was pressing upon him The poppy burned like a crimson ember. NEXT,We are fulfilling what I believe to be I know it is said But more than all things else.

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