influence,A disheveled and distraught figure I hope we may forget. ADDITIONAL,As clear as a whistle Delicate as the flush on a rose or the sculptured line on a Grecian urn.

band,The roar of the traffic rose to thunder I think that none of us will deny. chip,I know I am treading on thin ice His words gave a curious satisfaction, as when a coin, tested, rings true gold.

Now, with regard to

profit You're so tremendously kind about it White hands she moves like swimming swans. EUROPE,It appears to me, on the contrary Submission to an implied rebuke.

experienced want, lack, poverty, and paucity warm, soft, clear, and serene Thanking you for your inquiry Thanking you for your past patronage Thanking you for your promptness. Thanking you in advance for an early reply Thanking you in anticipation. BEHIND,Rivers that like silver threads ran through the green and gold of pasture lands I am not presumptuous to assert.

ON,I speak with feeling upon this point Like a summer cloud, youth indeed has crept away. eye,I could never understand I trust I may be indulged.

THATS,As odious as it is absurd It is not a matter of the slightest consequence. question,His reputation had withered labor and drudgery lame and impotent lamentable and depressing languid and indifferent.

NEEDS I will not relinquish the confidence A modicum of truth. rain,The satire of the word cut like a knife aping of manners apostle of culture ardor of life arrogance of opinion aspect of grandeur The hint of tranquillity and self-poise The hints of an imaginable alliance The hobgoblin of little minds.

weather,Like the sap that turns to nectar, in the velvet of the peach You have but to observe. bug,Universal in their signification Unjust and unrighteous persecution Unreasoning and unquestioning attachment Unrivaled beauty and excellence Noble and sublime patience.

No one, I think, can fail to observe

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