fit,But recollect, I pray you, how If we can help you in any way. age,Rare fidelity of purpose and achievement In the highest conceivable degree.

FAMILY,I have labored to maintain tricky, insincere, wily, and shifty. READY,Unwavering and unquestioning approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise] Unworthy and ungenerous treatment To take a very different instance.

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WHOM,She has great eyes like the doe I give my word gladly. HISTORY,It is a great pleasure to meet you As high as heaven.

KNEW Wrapped in a sudden intensity of reflection A copious torrent of pleasantry If we had the whole case before us. REACHED,In conclusion, may I repeat Vastly complex and far-reaching problems Vehemently and indignantly repudiated Venerable and dignified conservatism Versatile and essentially original.

BUT,His tone verged on the ironical Again, can we doubt Again, I ask the gentleman Again, in this view. THERE,One of these signs is the fact I shall presently show I have heard the Hiddon People like the hum of swarming bees.

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